Що таке ВСАА та навіщо їх приймають?

ВСАА – це цілеспрямований комплекс амінокислот з розгалуженою молекулярною структурою. Вони необхідні як початківцю, так і професійному спортсмену для розвитку, побудови гармонійного тіла і досягнення хороших результатів. Комплекс складається з 3 основних видів амінокислот: валін, лейцину і ізолейцину. Read the rest of this entry »

Как правильно управлять компанией

Хотите, чтобы ваша организация добивалась новых вершин, увеличивала рынки для сбыта и оставляла всех конкурентов позади? Если так, то надо учиться! Read the rest of this entry »

Как улучшить работу в компании в период кризиса

Хотите, чтобы ваша организация добивалась успехов, увеличивала рынки для сбыта и оставляла всех своих конкурентов за спиной? Read the rest of this entry »

I went through hell, she says.

A funny thing happened when Jean stopped grieving. She started fighting, becoming a fierce advocate for Drew. For every kid like him. She didn’t want to get rid of football. She wanted to make it safer, so no one would go through what her family went through. Read the rest of this entry »

What if the risk can’t be managed?

Am I being a baby? Is my mind making this up? Rickerson had to wonder. He wasn’t bleeding. His arm wasn’t sticking out sideways. Sequim High was going to the postseason. He badly wanted to be back on the field. Read the rest of this entry »

Brain Trauma And The Future Of Youth Football In America

No one had a clue. Not his coaches. Not his teammates. Not even his mother, looking on from her usual spot in the grandstand. Read the rest of this entry »

We hit rock bottom, Clement says. It was bad

So bad that he sometimes came home from practice and ate only a bag of chips. The kid with the diamond earrings was suddenly worrying about his next meal. And that wasn’t his worst fear. Read the rest of this entry »

White Star, Black School: Landon Clement Is The Face Of Upstart North Carolina Central

That’s how Landon Clement is referred to by a lot of students here on the historically black campus of North Carolina Central University. When he first arrived two years ago, the term was not exactly a compliment.

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Jeremy Lin A Superstar? This Man Saw It Coming

Jeremy Lin is the surprise of the year in the NBA. Who could have possibly seen the undrafted Knicks point guard becoming a star?

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Can Sport Specialization Cause Youth Injuries?

An increase in sport specialization — whereby young athletes play only one competitive sport from an early age — is causing a drastic rise in serious injuries among children, medical experts have warned. Read the rest of this entry »

Five signs of a nightmare sports parent

Nearly 75 percent of kids who play organized sports quit by age 13. Some find that their skill level hits a plateau and the game is no longer fun. Others simply discover other interests. But too many promising young athletes turn away from sports because their parents become insufferable.

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Hundreds of college athletes were asked to think back

Their overwhelming response: «The ride home from games with my parents.»

The informal survey lasted three decades, initiated by two former longtime coaches who over time became staunch advocates for the player, Read the rest of this entry »

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