How to eat every day

If you hold in your hand inflated newspaper and reading, for five minutes, the article can not understand what it’s about?

This is normal. Just polishing every day your body, honing relief biceps muscle, do not forget that the proper nutrition for athletes every day, and the power cord is included. Some proteins are not enough for him. Even the library will not help. The brain must be fed correctly. Узнайте, оформление земельного пая по наследству. Какая судебная практика по спорам с ГАСК. Земельный пай,

How to eat every day athlete

Above all, this cow liver. The complex of B vitamins – one of its virtues. Lack of fat – more. Only good!
s get excellent taste if extinguish liver simmered with beans. When ready, sprinkle the top with thyme and basil. Glass of red wine will make dinner a memorable one.
Beans – contains proteins and carbohydrates. It allows you to control blood sugar. Increase or decrease that dramatic detrimental effect on brain cells. Boiled beans goes well with vegetables in salads.

The well-known and loved all of the chicken breast. Besides valuable protein, it also contains vitamins B2, B6, B12. Eating chicken breasts, we strengthen the nervous system, improves mood and memory of a dream. If you do not have time to cook a chicken, you can recharge your muscles in another way: for this you need a sports nutrition, online store and a minute of time to order a protein shake with home delivery in
From seafood to remind of salmon – a source of omega-3 fatty acids. It improves communication between brain cells than beneficial effects on motor coordination and sharpness of thought. Do not forget about the calorie content of sturgeon, as a bodybuilder calorie is also important.

More useful would be:
1. cod, rich in selenium,
2. seaweed – the ideal product, containing iodine,
3. shrimp – rich in vitamin D, which improves the mental processes
4. oysters or mussels, rich in zinc and vitamin B12.
At the same basket fall so beloved by all:
1. pistachios,
2. Almonds
3. Walnuts

due to the high content of fatty acids, iron and phosphorus.
From grass always need a sage. Adding spice to pasta, fish, strengthens the nerves and memory.
We turn to the less favorite vegetables. This list includes the following vegetables:
1. In the first place carrots, no comment here.
2. Pea is a source of vitamin B1 or thiamine.
3. Beetroot is rich in betaine and improves concentration, attention, mood and health.
4. Eggplant contain his dark skinned substance anthocyanin – an antioxidant that protects brain cells from damage by free radicals.
5. The red cabbage as a source of polyphenols that protect the brain from dementia.
6. You can have a meal tomorrow «think» salad by mixing raw carrots, cabbage, green onions, sprinkled with lemon juice and olive oil.

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