Pomegranate juice in bodybuilding

There is hardly a person who has not heard anything about the health properties of pomegranate and juice out of it. And talk about pomegranate juice more often and longer than about the pomegranate . Unfortunately, in the sports literature, this question is discussed sufficiently.

The high content of vitamins and organic acids, much has been written, the most important thing for us – the athletes – it is their beneficial effects on the digestive and circulatory system, the recovery rate after exercise. Normalization of digestion leads to a more complete absorption of nutrients that are present in food, including proteins. Besides, pomegranate juice stimulates the appetite. Normalization of the circulatory system eases the burden on the heart in times of heavy physical work. Vitamin B1, which is so rich in pomegranate, included in all the processes of energy metabolism in the body, gives strength and stamina.

Just pomegranate has a diuretic effect on the body, making it weak natural diuretic, and can be useful in detailing the muscles. Equally important is the anti-inflammatory effects of pomegranate juice, which makes it ideal for injuries of joints, bruises, etc. Finally, pomegranate juice has a refreshing effect, making it useful for training in warm and hot weather.

Vitamin A in pomegranate, has wound-healing effect. Without it a full recovery of muscle tissue after a workout, because, as you know, torn muscle fibers during exercise. Recovery and will vitamin A. In addition, he is involved in the formation and accumulation of glycogen in the muscles.

Of vitamin C, also contained in the pomegranate, which affects the speed of assimilation of proteins from food, and the synthesis of new protein structures in the body. Vitamins B6 and B12 accelerate serve the same purpose. Vitamin P increases the permeability of the capillaries, thus improving the supply of muscle tissue with nutrients and oxygen.

In the absence of specific recommendations should drink pomegranate juice three times a day to 200-250 ml. You can add it to three tablespoons of honey. Pomegranate juice consumption should increase with exhaustion, for example, during or after drying, in preparation for competitions and their completion.

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