Running & Training Equipment

The beauty of running is that at its most basic form, all you need is a good pair of running shoes, then hit the road, and go for a run. It is a simple sport, but yes, there are specific pieces of equipment that can help enhance your running to make it easier and more comfortable and to make you a stronger runner.

Running Shoes

The most basic piece of equipment is your running shoes. As Joe Puleo and Dr. Patrick Milroy tell us in «Running Anatomy,» each foot strike produces three to four times your body weight upon impact, you can see how important it is to have good running shoes. The shoe should also be biomechanically specific to your foot type. Running shoes also have a shape or last that should be right for your foot type. A straight-lasted shoe with built-in stability devices in the arch are for flat feet that tend to over-pronate or roll-in medially. A slightly curved shoe is for high-arched under-pronators or roll-out laterally, to promote some pronation to aid shock absorption. Для спортсменов, партизанский маркетинг Киев и Осло.


When running, your body produces heat and moisture in the form of sweat. Wear clothing to keep you comfortable temperature-wise, and allow freedom of movement. Jim Fixx points out in «The Complete Book of Running» that running in hot weather causes increased sweating to keep your skin cool, so wearing lightweight clothing, as little as possible, will aid you in keeping cool. He states the same thing for cold weather running-because of your increased body temperature, you need to wear as little as possible, yet enough to keep warm. Avoid wearing any water-loving cotton clothing, but instead wear lightweight, polyester-based gear that wicks the sweat away from your skin to keep you more comfortable.


While some runners eschew the treadmill, others train almost exclusively on it. However, when using the treadmill you can control not only the pace, but the incline also. Dr. Jack Daniels in «Daniels’ Running Formula,» notes that by controlling the pace on a treadmill run, the runner can then focus on other things like good technique, breathing and cadence. He also points out that the treadmill has the advantage over outdoor running for hill workouts, because there is no potentially damaging downhill running, which can cause excessive shock to your legs. The softer surface of the treadmill also reduces foot strike shock.

Hydration Equipment

One of the biggest dangers when running is dehydration. Losing as little as 2-percent of your body weight when you run, can decrease your performance. To avoid this, you have a vast array of hydration systems available to choose from. You can easily use lightweight plastic bottles from 8 to 26-ounces in a variety of holders filled with your favorite liquid. The bottle holders can come in the form of waist-mounted belts with one or multiple bottles, hand-held bottle-holding straps, even backpack-type fluid containers that can hold up to 72-ounces in a collapse-able bladder. Using hydration equipment is key when running, no matter what the weather.


No matter what type of runner you are, using and training with the equipment that is right for you, can not only make your run more enjoyable, but help keep you injury-free. Even little things like using a fan to cool you while treadmill running, because of the lack of air circulation while indoors, can enhance your run workout.

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