5 reasons to do kettlebell lifting

In the last years increased interest in one of the national sports – kettlebell lifting. An increasing number of them engaged, organized groups and sections, a large number of competitions of various sizes. However, along with a large number of fans of the sport are still people who believe that his old-fashioned, inefficient means of physical education.

It is known that exercise, if they do not have two basic qualities – accessibility and efficiency, they lose their value as a means of physical education. In this aspect, we try to consider weight lifting.

Why not engage in kettlebell lifting:

1. Sufficient technical simplicity of the exercises. According to the currently effective competition rules, to include the kettlebell lifting exercises: bench press one kettlebell, push two kettlebells and jerk one kettlebell. All these exercises are cyclical, with burdening relatively small weight. They learn pretty quickly because it does not relate to any unsupported motion in space of an athlete – a shell (such as weightlifting) or complex movements athlete (as in gymnastics, acrobatics).

While moving a common center of gravity, it occurs in every cycle – exercises identical. As practice shows, the athlete with an average level of physical development takes hold technique kettlebell exercises triathlon for 4-6 months. This allows you to focus more on the development and improvement of physical qualities.

2. Opportunity to engage in groups and individually. The best form of sporting activity is in the training group, sections. However, shift work, and many other types of work people do not give the opportunity to train in the section in the group and forced to move to individual sessions with periodic monitoring training plans experienced coach. For individual lessons kettlebell lifting is required gyms, large sports fields. Practically anywhere where there’s an area of ​​4 – 5 m2, can be lifted kettlebells.

3. Ease of material support. Compared with many sports the kettlebell lifting in the least time-consuming material support: kettlebells, suit for training and performances – shorts, t-shirt, any sports shoes. It should be noted longevity kettlebells as sports equipment. Almost kettlebells have unlimited lifespan. This creates a significant advantage of kettlebell lifting before many others, which require large expenditures to maintenance activities. Everything related to material support, of course, to be seen more widely. Kettlebell lifters need to deal with a barbell, running, throwing, perform stretching exercises, engage in skiing and other species, which will require additional cost.

4. The maximum exclusion injuries. Kettlebell exercises study triathlon, participation in competitions do not require outside insurance athlete. Exercising is not associated with an element of risk. Typically, injuries occur in the form of disruption of the skin on the hands, posed by the inadequate training of the projectile for the exercises (pen kettlebell should be smooth, highly polished with no rust), such injuries occur and kettlebell well prepared, but it happens, usually after a significant break in training, when the wrist is «weakened.» Consequently, the nature of injuries in kettlebell lifting is not in the essence of of kettlebell lifting, and adverse factors that can be eliminated.

5. Wide age range. Valuable means of physical training is greatly increased if it can be used by different age groups involved. Kettlebell Lifting as a means of physical education is so valuable. Although the issue of age limits in training kettlebell lifting has not yet been fully explored, but experience has shown that the age ranges involved in a fairly wide limits.

Widen, extend the age limit to do – one of the current problems of sports. Indeed, in many sports start practicing in 16 – 17 years is considered futile, and competitions for various sports have become «children’s competition.»

Basis kettlebell lifting – two physical qualities: strength and endurance, the alloy which gives a new quality – power endurance. Without downplaying the role of flexibility, coordination, speed during training kettlebell lifting should, however, recognize that kettlebell lifters do not come to the fore, as we see in gymnastics, acrobatics, skating and many other species. As you know, strength, endurance, developed and improved over a wide age limits, so the athletic performance in kettlebell lifting can be increased for a longer time and in a broader age range. Thus, kettlebell lifting as a means of physical education completely accessible to a wide range of students.

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