9 interesting facts about muscles

1. The more muscle you have, the more calories should be consumed. For example, an athlete daily rate is 6000 calories, and for the average young man of about 3000 calories.

2. A large amount of muscle mass ensures uninterrupted operation of the internal organs.
3. To build muscle, you should eat more protein. Protein contain beef, chicken, fish, cheese little fat, pork, tofu, low-fat yogurt. Interestingly, in the seven proteins contain only 115 calories, while the two eggs have 160 calories.
4. Aerobic exercise, based on the repetitive motion, do not lead to building muscle tissue. So fast walking on a treadmill help only to lose a little weight.

5. Exercises with resistance as light or heavy lifting, for example, lead to the emergence of powerful muscles, and high cholesterol.
6. A good program for training of muscles – a balanced load on all muscle groups. Moreover, each time an exercise is necessary to change and rotate to your bones, muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments do not wear out.
7. The human body contains about 260 different muscles.
8. Muscle growth occurs during exercise. When a muscle is subjected to stress, it hurts, and then starts up again and this is all the more effective.
9. Exercise, involving the major muscle groups, prevent the emergence of Alzheimer’s disease.

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