9 new types of yoga

Only in the last 50 years, the world has appeared about 200 new kinds of yoga. Here are ten of the most distant that invented the ancient Hindus.

1. Naked Yoga

Person is beautiful in any form, but is a particularly good naked, clothing and shackles imposed unnecessary restrictions, the creators naked yoga, which appeared in California in the 60’s. Maybe in the 60’s sportswear of sticky nylon really stood stake and prevented tying knots in difficult yoga? Maybe so, but the naked yoga flourishes to this day, despite the success of the textile industry. However, one can never rule out that the absence of T-shirts, pants and shorts to someone and really helps to feel better a particular asana. Historically, that sit in the lotus position and stand on my head naked gay men particularly liked, ever since the «Midnight Yoga for Men», which appeared in the early 90’s in New York.

2. Doga

It – yoga for dogs. Apologists dogs seriously believe that this yoga appeared in ancient India, when a pack of dogs began to gather around the dervishes and meditate with them. On niche sites – in America, Britain and Russia are dozens – clearly explains why these classes need a specific dog, something like: «city dogs because of sedentary lifestyles many health problems. They, like the people who suffer from arthritis, spinal cord injuries and other misfortunes. So for them it is important to strengthen childhood muscles, tendons and ligaments, and yoga and massage it just helps. If dogs have no place to take a walk or a swim, the owners can work together with them to do yoga. «In class dogoy people perform the asanas with their dogs, and the site dodyoga reminds newcomers to these complex interactions of pairs that dogs not only fitness for dogs. Like, everyone does not prevent «find the inner puppy and stay in touch with him.»

3. Hip Hop Yoga

Founder of the hip-hop yoga – a resident of Canada, Angie Lo and Sarah Schwartz – hold classes once a month. On the lessons always MCYogi DJ with vinyl turntables, and instructors in bright clothes and then podtantsovyvayut and sing along to the DJ who reads mantras repersky style mixes a group Black Eyed Peas. If you disable the track, we’ll see the usual hatha yoga, or yoga Iyengar. Standing up in a warrior in fact much better at the music than in the silence, and the fans of this kind of yoga recognize hip-hop state of general goodness will not spoil, on the contrary, the modern man these rhythms actually closer than authentic howls in Sanskrit.

4. Circus Yoga

On a page of the «Facebook» at the circus of yoga while only about a thousand fans, but every day their number increases. The headquarters of the circus of yoga – in New York, has branches in several major cities in America and Australia. Participants invited all my friends and family, mom, dad, grandparents and friends of their bodies are living pyramids and learning a fairly complex pair acrobatics. Perhaps the only similarity to the yoga classes at an Indian ashram – «» Savasana «(do this exercise in the final of any yoga classes – a posture lying on his back with his eyes closed). But it was better than the same company lie on the couch with chips.

5. Yahweh Yoga

Classes in Yahweh Yoga organizes denominational evangelical church «Society of hope.» Lessons are held on the California resort in Palm Beach. Each session begins with a prayer of thanksgiving to God and ends with meditation on the passages of the New Testament. Why not? So was pretty elegant solution, which sometimes prevents religious people who are not Buddhists, attend yoga classes. You do not like a mantra and confuses Sanskrit? Sing with them the prayers that you want, in any language.

6. Ganja – Yoga

In Toronto, there was ganja yoga. Founder of this trend Dee Dussault offers before going all good smoke . Such a great idea – why it had not previously enjoyed? It’s true flexibility in the body is produced terrific muscles relax. Police Ms. Dussault is not afraid, and, like the main character of the series Weeds, believes that they have better things to do than classes ganja yoga once a month. «Marijuana helps to stop the internal dialogue, and open the heart,» – she said. Well, as I say, some of the marijuana only inflames the inner dialogue with a dense forest of force.

7. Yoga Statsenko

Idea to add a local flavor to the Indian yoga comes to mind almost all the nations of the world. Russia is no exception. Known in the USSR Gennady Statsenko Yogi teaches classes for Russian folk songs, rollicking singing «Will Dunya in woods, in the woods, sit by Dunja kustok under kustok» in the process of moving from one asana to another. Twisting in endless Vinyasas accordion accompaniment and Polyphony themselves practitioners – not easy, since we must also listen to the team and keep up the very Statsenko. An outsider who accidentally winds buried on this activity, is unlikely to get rid of the association with the pagan rituals of the holiday of Ivan Kupala.

8. laughter Yoga

This invention is popular not only in the West but also in India. Madan Kataria, who invented this form of yoga, provides training in a special Institute of laughter in Bombay, and the studio and laughter yoga school opened in many cities in the U.S., Germany and Japan. Dr. Kataria himself talks about his yoga as follows: «The purpose of yoga to be enlightened, and to achieve it through laughter is much simpler than the usual meditation.»

9. Yoga for normal guy

Three-time world champion in wrestling Diamond Dallas Page came up with Yoga For Real Guys. That is, for those who would not do yoga would unnecessarily. In ‘42 Page said that his wrestling career was over, as his lower back was in terrible condition. Now aged 48, he returns to life. But sit humming and singing, he said, it is not yoga for normal kids. «Our yoga – a warm-up, such that to really sweat. When you get to India and see the guy who sings the mantra, I would like to come and dolbanut his chair! And say, «Hey, that’s it doing in yoga for normal guy. ‘» In general, Paige created the technique, now it quite successfully sells CDs, gives master classes and private lessons in Los Angeles. Oh, and another thing: in his classroom instead of the traditional «Namaste» (in Sanskrit – «thank you»), saying «tits and ass.»

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