A straight left punch

A direct blow to the left hand applied from fighting stance, his left fist is closer to the target.Due to the fact that the way of the fist less direct attacks left more often used as quick and fairly accurate. These attacks use of contestants for the preliminary investigation and the preparation of a knockout blow.

When the left straight punch to the force – before hitting boxer rotates the body to the left around its vertical axis, with the left fist moves away from the target, increasing the acceleration in a shock move. Later boxer body turns to the right at the same time push from standing behind the support leg. Somewhat later, the elbow begins to unbend his left hand, carrying a shock move to the goal. Weight is transferred to the left foot. After the shock of the process relies on the boxer standing in front of the left foot.

In making a stroke on speed boxer rotates the trunk to the right and takes forward the left shoulder, while the left hand bend open the elbow, fist moving at increasing speed toward the goal. Torso and left shoulder with a brake that is projected for mid CCG bearing surface. Kick executed by the motion of one hand, would be fast, but not strong.

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