A straight right punch

Stroke caused from fighting stance. Right-handed in the front right fist is located farther from the target than the left, and therefore such attacks often used as strong. Travel a longer path right fist to the target allows the opponent to organize the defense. Therefore single rule uses less than straight left and usually strikes after the preparatory left.

When performing a direct blow to the right setting on the power boxer turns body to the left around the vertical axis with a simultaneous push your right foot (the right foot is rotated to the right on the toe). A little later, unbent arm at the elbow, and the fist is moving with increasing speed toward the goal. At the same time continuing the case and turn the repulsion from the support leg, and forward displayed his right shoulder. CCG from the middle area of ​​support is moved to the front of the border and it is projected onto the center of the foot located in front of the left foot. At the end of the shock movement boxer rests on the left leg, slightly turned right half of the body to the opponent, the right shoulder forward and is displayed at the front boundary of support, hand rolled in the elbow and fist for purpose. In this case, the left hand was covered against counter attacks, protecting the torso and head.

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