Fitness in half of the cases does not help lose weight

Scientists from Australia in a survey of more than 1,000 people came to the conclusion that the benefits of sports training is greatly exaggerated. More than half of respondents agreed that fitness had no effect on their weight.

The main problem was that many seek to reward yourself for deferred exercise. A typical reward proved to be a dessert.

About 41% of respondents said that after training often eat something sweet. And 53% said they eat more in a day when engaged. Рекомендуем Вам, более подробно узнать – как оформить самовольное строительство реконструкцию, перепланировку? Договоры в строительстве. Судебная практика по признанию незаконными отводов земли.

As a result, sports activities do not lead to weight loss, and sometimes even contrary to his recruitment, the scientists explain. And in general, insist on the fact that 80% of success in losing weight depends on the correction of the power supply system and only 20% – from adequate physical activity. Trade Show Success Strategies and Trade Show Planning: Your Roadmap To Success.

In the early stages of weight loss, osoobenno if the weight is very large, and experts do recommend to enter only the minimum physical activity, such as walking.

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