Proper nutrition and a balanced diet for children

There are many problems in the organization of children’s food. Many of them are caused by ignorance of the parents – as it should have and what their child.

Over time, lack of knowledge generates gastritis. And so it should be understood that it is much easier to prevent eating disorders in childhood than to disentangle these failures in adult life.

There are many theories about proper nutrition, a huge number of schemes meals and adherents of different diets. So today we’ll talk about the correct balanced nutrition and diet for children – whether they should be in the life of the body not strong? And where did all these thoughts?
The thing is that often food diet is a way of life for many adults. The arrival of people to him starts at about 25 – 40 years and is associated with weight gain. So it is not necessary to impose their eating habits for children and experimenting on their health.
Children – children, they are not spoiled by civilization, and often do not have any health problems, including the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, low enough to their body weight they consume far greater amount of calories (as a percentage). This is due to strong growth and development of the child’s body. Therefore, the choice of products should take into account this need. Очень актуальный тренинг по транспортной логистике Киев, Винница, семинар по управлению запасами на предприятии в Киеве, тренинги по логистике в Украине и СНГ.

At the same time if you can not feed a child in a strictly allotted time – that does not mean that it should be conducted in fast food restaurants, to buy buns or cakes. If the child is hungry a few hours – none of this will not die and will not be affected.
If a child refuses to eat – that is no reason to push it forcibly food. He may simply not be hungry. Stereotypes grandmothers that «wee» and must have a lot of hours, do not have a proper base. But do not feed the baby in between meals – all sorts of drying, cookies and candy you just pereb’ete appetite.
In addition, to the baby she was hungry – he should get the opportunity to spend calories. If he sits at home watching TV – he does not want to eat. To stimulate appetite child has to spend a lot of time outdoors, while actively moving.

And so once again I repeat – is not passed on to your child’s eating habits. This is especially true vegetarian, raw food, and other similar trends. A growing body must receive animal protein for the formation of muscle and fat. No matter how useful you do not seem your eating habits – they are certainly not natural to you genetically. And the child’s body will be unable to rebuild and operate normally in the restriction or distortion of receipt of nutrients. This is an adult should be restricted calorie food coming into the body, and the children with their mobility and the growth of all its systems – no. Diets for children, always limiting intake of any vitamin or mineral substances are categorically unacceptable.

Children’s pediatricians say that a child’s diet should be proper and balanced. This means that it is necessary to diversify, with a proper degree of correlating the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates. The child should get the nutrients you need, eat fruits and vegetables, cereals and dairy products.

But diversity does not mean that you have to live in the kitchen preparing culinary masterpieces. Children often do not demanding in food, if they are not accustomed to the contrary.
The ideal food for the children in the performance of simple, nutritious and easy to digest. It is not necessary to buy expensive fruits, vegetables and various delicacies. You can think of quite a budget menu, which at any time of the year will provide the whole family with adequate vitamins and minerals.

What exactly is the products should be included in the diet of children?

In the first place, of course, fruits and vegetables – they give the stock fiber, ensure the availability of vitamins. You can use them in the form of juice, but very fresh, and often – to prevent thinning of the tooth enamel.

Fresh meat and fish dishes must include in your daily diet. It is not necessary to feed the children smoked, salted, dried. It is also mandatory and chicken or quail eggs but not in large quantities.
Dairy products are required for the development of bones. This milk, cheese, and yogurt, the best of its own production. How to make money fast in the sport?

Bread best from grain flour. It contains B vitamins and some useful minerals. You can eat breakfast cereal different sorts, adding them fruits and honey.
If your child really wants to sweet – do not feed him sweets, cakes, pies. Prefer homemade cakes, jams, honey. You can also have natural chocolate. In general, the sweet is not necessary or desirable in the preschool period. So try to children’s meals do not contain candy. For this purpose they acquainted with them as late as possible. This will bring only benefits.
It is the parents form the eating habits of a lifetime. Do not educate kids hatred of a particular product, do not cram anything in them by force. Believe me, if the child is hungry – he is sure about this report. And the organization of child nutrition from an early age will benefit the health of the baby for many years.

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