Why do we gain weight with age

The basis of the increased risk of obesity in the aging process and feeding behavior associated with obesity may be a common biological factor.

According to researchers from the National Institutes of Health obesity in middle age and older is associated with variants of the gene FTO.

In addition, brain scans showed a decrease in the function of brain regions that control impulsiveness and perception of texture and taste of food. «As it turned out, people who carry one or two copies of the FTO, showed an increased consumption of high-fat food, or as they age,» – said the study’s lead author Dr. Madhav Zambisetti.

The study included 700 participants, including 69 people who agreed to undergo PET scans, helped to gather further information on their structure and function of the brain. At the beginning of the study, the average age of the volunteers was 46 years. About 45% of the bore, at least one copy of the obesity gene FTO .. About 16% – two copies of the gene, which significantly increases the risk of obesity. Познакомтесь, Андрей Мудрый Киев, бесплатно.

At first, scientists have confirmed that the body mass index increased more than in volunteers with one or two copies of the variant gene FTO. They then using PET scanning compared brain carriers embodiment FTO dangerous to the brain of non-carriers of the gene tracking differences in brain function over time. The researchers found that in people with variant of the FTO gene decreased activity in the medial prefrontal cortex, and this area of the brain responsible for the impulses and perceptions of taste and texture of food. How to make money fast in the sport?

New information may explain why people with this gene have so much trouble with being overweight and they are struggling to maintain a healthy weight, especially with age. In the United States, more than one third of adults aged 65 years and older are obese.

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