Rugby. Guide to the extreme

Extreme – the forgotten people in rugby. So they are far, far away from the game, but outside observers all the fun and games that elude them every week. The audience in the dark world of bandages, bandages and seashells. And then only in the locker room.

On the field, the same thing. Until the ball tantalizingly displayed somewhere around puffing mass in the vicinity of Bolivia, extreme literally left alone in the cold – bluish fingers, trembling knees, and body temperature drops rapidly and hypothermia occurs. There are cases that the team has already changed his clothes, took a shower and sitting at the bar someone asked, «Where’s Rick?». The first line of a little embarrassed, and after a while timidly ask «Rick who?». All shifted from foot to foot, then looked questioningly at number 13 (outside centre). Jeremy (all 13x pimp names like Tarquin, Jeremy or Guido) long thought, and then replied: «I ​​think I’ve seen him a break, he was cleaning the oranges.» Extreme Rica soon find near the corner flag, desperately peering into the dark, frozen, saying to himself: «Not too much action here today …».

The public image of the extreme – the creation, like a gazelle, gifted with speed and cunning, but in most cases this is the creation of rugby can be observed only in very, very high level of the game. In fact there are four types of extremes.


The coolest collections-extreme is the speed, feints, strong body, hand like glue and foot like gun siege. When they have the space they have the ability to make the heart soar and boil the blood, stands yelling at a time when their feet slip on the grass, eating the earth, while they tear apart the last vestiges of Defense. They usually ride around on MG, drink orange juice and fight with the blondes. Bastards. Example – John Kirwan.


The last of the good of the club, they are not always great speed, good hands or stroke. But they’re fucking protected. Nothing passes through them. This usually former № 6 (blindside flanker), who had to give up the hard work on the orders of doctors, after they broke his neck in three places and suffered a 72-hour coma after capturing Argentine flying wedge (* like now illegal hold) head-on. They usually eschew «chicks» in the bar and they can often be seen along with forwards (when they would be allowed. Usually after a four-circle).


A typical edge of the youth team. 170cm, 70kg. Sweating under all his armor. Scared the shit out of someone enthusiastic about the very exciting match on TV from the Southern Hemisphere (which led the national team stars Polynesia 146-139 against Rainbow Kampallmaus in exhilarating 80 minutes of continuous running without any stops … and judges, not to interfere fun) and get the ball close to him. Hates to defend at the corridor near his record book, as nightmares that any post with a hairy ass (which is always called Barry) breaks record book to the ball, and only his miserable skeletons will separate column on lifelong fame and stories of how he soaked the extreme, recording his first twenty years of trying. Usually he was 17 or 47. In the first case, it is because the goof in any sport and hate their parents, so the excuse he needed to slip away from them. He has no driver’s license because he had flunked them three times. In the second case, it is because they have always preferred male company and does not want to stay home with his wife and has not yet received the post in any committee. Once had intrigues with a blonde at the bus stop when he was on the road in Blackpool in 1978, but was beaten by her boyfriend (who played for Vorrington).


Denies all the normal definition of the latter. 2 m, 110 kg, 100 m of 9.87 s (without help). In any other part of the world would play in two or three lines in the youth team, or some random game between the counties. It had to be named after a biblical character or some cheeseburgers. He does not care who stir up, unless it is Sunday, as he righteous Christian.

Extreme really get to your plate after the game. Doing nothing all day, they will be happy to be seen by their captain, even if he just asks them to collect flags and protection from the gate. Since they are the only team with a clean T-shirt (not to mention the shorts, socks and boots), they will be sent to carry a bag with the valuables. By the time he had finished these duties, the soul will end all the hot water and the shower will be of a cross between a soup and a coffee in the cafeteria. But this garbage, because 1) nobody cares and 2) it anyway not sweaty or dirty, as the whole day doing nothing.At the bar, unless we assume that someone will talk to him, because no one will know it is an object of extreme fun for the team. Because of its usually mild / thin body / religious views him quite a bit of alcohol to get drunk. The exception is the wall (see above), but because of his previous contact with forwards, he knows seventeen vulgar songs, and after fifteen pints pinch ass blonde at the bar, being provoked by its partners.

Finally, the edges will never go away. They just disappear in the middle of the season. There are several reasons, but usually it is because 1) they have frozen to death near the record book one February day 2) they forgot the gas station on the way home, 3) their soaked huge column with a hairy ass that popped out of the corridor with the ball and ran scoring his first try for twenty years 4) beat its first line, after he had spilled a glass of beer 5) blonde from the shop called him the father of her child.

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