Speed ​​skating. Pivots

The last point, which is fascinating in technique sprint – it pivots. What are the laws of physics to operate on that to understand why some skaters can not keep internal rotation?

First of all, it should be noted that the most significant two elements that help an athlete to pass the turn.

Most significant, the athlete extends the two legs in one direction, and since horses are moving out, the body remains on the path of rotation.

The second factor, it should bend skate blade. In English it – rocker. Being a curved blade rotation when setting the ice begins to draw on it a curved line (arc). Partly helps skate skater stay on the line. In short track sometimes the only factor is there: when moving an athlete to turn no repulsion phase that allows him to put the body into a pivot at the maximum possible angle. But in this case there is no work and, accordingly, the rate drops.

And among these factors sprinter should look for a compromise. In a word, he should do only the amount of work that he is able to perform efficiently. Residue pivot is perceived by means of setting the blade, so skaters tilted blade and bend it to the left. In this case, they do not have as much bend the blade, both in short-track, and they in pivot can make the optimum amount of work.

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