Speed ​​skating. Frequency of movements in sprint

Frequency movements in the sprint, as you know, is very high. However, as in walking, there are some limitations. It depends on the length – a small child walks more often. Since skaters move like a pendulum, sprinter need to find a way to do it as quickly as possible.

One way – work with both hands, for the creation enertsii. In rapid hand movements to the side body moves faster than when the hands are not used. Here we have a very interesting principle of free movement of limbs can change the direction of the force of the pendulum. For example, when you throw both hands to the left, the power of the pendulum has an additional impetus to the movement to the left on the right skate that will help you to fall to the left. Another reason for the movement of hands in the sprint so important – the center of mass has the ability to move far enough away from your jogging skates because your hands have mass, your center of mass is shifted to the left relative to the torso. Since in this case you are coming right skate, it can be concluded that most of the work produced during the repulsion. This work is produced by muscles, shake your hand, and leg muscles. But with the power of the pendulum swing arms more. You can be assured of the same standing on the scales with a micrometer dial. You can greatly shaking hands up for a short time to become heavier.

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