Speed ​​skating. Sprint

Competition in speed skating sprint always very spectacular. The manifestation of the alloy strength and beauty is impressive. Sprint is also very interesting to study the running technique skater, because with such a high rate of movement to make any adjustments to the structure of the race is very difficult, because most rejections in a sprint can be compared to feeding the ball in tennis.

To the naked eye, and mechanical receptors of the body can analyze the progress of the individual movements in the sprint, but not directly at run time to make adjustments is extremely problematic.

We call them the ballistic movements, as the concept refers to the ballistics section of knowledge about how to effectively develop a bullet shot, with all that was happening to her in flight. As soon as the bullet leaves the barrel of the gun, making amendments also made ​​impossible. Nervous system in the body can be compared to electronic systems, and we have to make some moves ballistic way. For example, while typing, you can see that your finger is going in the wrong direction, but nothing you can do about it. The only way – to stop and correct the error.

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