Start of boxing

Boxing scene depicted on the walls of the tombs of the Pharaohs indicate that this martial art existed in ancient Egypt. We have heard the image of boxing since the Cretan-Mycenaean culture that preceded the development of the Greek state. Especially popular was the fist fight in Ancient Greece. This is confirmed by the fact that since the 23rd Olympiad (688 BC.) He entered into the plan of the Olympic Games.

Literary monuments, paintings give us a fairly complete information about the regulations of boxing in ancient Greece, the methods of training soldiers. For combat fist fighters roll up soft straps of rawhide that protect hands from injury, like modern bands. Pugilists were fighting in the front straightened. They are required in the main speed and agility.

The Greeks were a pair by lot, not by weight categories. The meeting was not limited, and it lasted until the moment when one of the opponents are not able to fight on. Referees (gellanodiks) were selected from people at least 40 years old and must have been well acquainted with the technique of the battle and race conditions. In all the figures of boxing gellanodik pictured with the vine, branched at the end, a touch that he intervened in the actions of men.

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