Fundamentals of Boxing

Major in boxing not hands, and feet. Because the successful execution of offensive and defensive actions: strikes, dives, slopes, movement – almost entirely dependent on how well the boxer has his body, his ability to properly redistribute body weight between the legs, but such a transfer occurs at all times, while last fight.

Boxer hands as swords and throwing punches should not slide, and they stick.

Therefore, all used in boxing punches – direct, side, bottom – should be on the characteristics of their trajectories, non-slip, and penetrating and fists, striking always have to not move in an arc and a straight line.

If you hit the right hand, the body weight should be on your left foot, if you hit the left hand, the body weight should be on the right foot.

If a hit (direct, side, bottom) is the right hand, then at the same time it is executed imposed weight on his left leg when hit of the left hand, the weight of the body in exactly the same is transferred to the right leg. This migration of highly increases the force of impact.

Striking, defend.

In boxing against almost every blow can immediately use the back – a counterattack, but because the attack of the enemy, you should always remember to protect and ultimately try to protect themselves from possible retaliation on his part, so:

Shoulder beating hands always protects chin with one hand, fist free hand – on the other.

When any impact (direct, side, bottom) shoulder kicking (striking out) arms shall prevent the chin with one (his) hand and fist free (striking out) hand should protect the chin with the other (his) hand. In this arm of the free hand must always cover the body.

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